Acoustic Model 134 ReviewsI bought this unit in 1978, and I still own it! As I recall, I got it from a music store in Davenport, Iowa. I was but a teenager then, and needed something to plug a few guitars into and travel the country! As to the cost, I can't even remember. It couldn't have been too much, because I didn't HAVE too much! Here's the kicker to the whole review; after lugging this beautiful monster all over Creation for nearly 30 years, I NEVER HAD IT SERVICED...EVER. However, just a few weeks ago (October 2004) I needed to have it "loved-on" a bit by somebody who knew what they were looking at. The very experienced technician who pulled-off the (original!) cover, said that he thought Acoustic had gone back into business because the unit was in such incredible condition. Believe me, that's as much a testimony to this amp's craftmanship as it is to my gentle care over the years. This baby holds a lot of memories and could tell a LOT of stories...maybe I'll just put her gently away in the attic. Nah!! Tim Walden rated this unit on 2004-11-01.More Acoustic Bass_Guitar_Amplifiers |
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