Aria Pro 2 Magna Series Reviews  3 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI got it for christmas, My grandma paid $280 for it.
Its a very good guitar for the money. I would reccomend it to a student or a pro as a back up guitar. I like it because of the pick-ups it has 1 humbucker in the bridge position and 2 single coil pick-ups between the neck and the humbucker.
There's not really anything I dislike about it, its an all around good guiter for the money.
Its made very well, it has a maple neck and a hardwood body. I've had it for six and a half years
If your a beginer looking for something to get started or a pro looking for a nice guitar to gig with so you dont risk messing up your strat, for $280 you could do alot worse. Justin rated this unit  on 2002-12-26.
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