Carlo Robelli USH-500HB Reviews 
4 / 5 based on 3 reviewsSam Ash - $249 no tax or shipping.
Bought because I was looking for an inexpensive semi-hollow body. I'd traded my Fender American Strat for a mountain-bike, and wanted to get back to playing after a few years of tinkering with my acoustic.
Chose it because of the price, looks and all the good reviews I've read about it.
It came well set-up with only a little minor buzzing in the frets, which I corrected with some quick adjustments. I love the action and feel of the neck, and enjoy playing it with and without an amplifier. It has a nice full, bright sound.
No complaints yet. At some point when I am refining my sound I may want to replace the pick-ups, but they sound good for now.
So far, it seems to be very well put-together, with the neck through body construction and a great finish. I was surprised by the high quality of such an inexpensive guitar, and I no longer feel that you need to spend a small fortune on an American made guitar to get quality. In fact, I've been trying to figure out who makes this guitar(Samick?) because I'd buy more of their guitars.
I played my Fender American Strat for 10 years, and this guitar blows it away. I'm amazed at how inexpensive this guitar is, and would recommend it for anyone looking for a cheap, high-quality semi-hollow guitar. I'm shocked at how nice this guitar is for $250, and pay more to replace it if I lost it.
robelliplayer rated this unit

I found this nice looking hollow electric guitar from SAM ASH store. It almost look like a Les Paul and I paid $249 for it. The flyer I got in the mail says that it's one of the latest items made by Robelli.
The guitar was demo'd by one of the store clerks and he did a good job playing the unit that I didnt hesitate to buy it. For the price I paid, its well worth it considering that it looks like a LesPaul model and it sounded good. The hardware is all gold color and I intend to keep it forever as part of my collection. It was the last unit when I bought the USH-500HB.
Everything looks good on the guitar overall, except for one thing- the sound produced like a low tone sound even when the tone control is at high on all the 3 switch settings. I think this is due to the hollow construction designed for this model. But with proper use of effects- that wont create a problem at all.
Well built and nicely done for the price. The wood is of good quality and the hardware including the humbacker pickups.
I bought the 2yr extended warranty just in case.
There's no doubt that I truly believed, I bought a good/cheap/quality guitar on the Robelli USH-500HB model. I can recommend it to any guitarist be it a beginner or an experienced player. There are still many things I can learn from this unit since I just got it a few days ago- so far I am happy with it.
jim yturralde from chicago rated this unit

Bought new from Sam Ash $235
Well Made, killer tone, ausome value for the dollar
rated this unit
on 2003-01-31.