Carvin DC-127T Reviews  5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsWell I was lucky to get the Carvin DC-127t model for only $1350. It's a great guitar for me. There's a place called Don's Music Shop by my house and I decided I might try and pick up some things on a guitar. I've been wanting one for a while and now I have my chance.
I like it's colors first and foremost and it's a good begining guitar,although a little expensive, I think because I feel like I can switch notes easily on it and that it's not hard to tune it. Also the sound comes out at an excellent quality.
It's a little heavy for me but it's not bad, and I wish the strap was a little longer but overall I like it. I researched about this guitar before I purchased it and the only other thing I can think of that I agreed with the review that I wish it had heavier strings.
It has a great smooth surface and an excellent quality. It holds up nice and I'm not sure about all the terms yet but I'm not goona say anything else in terms of looking like an idiot.
It's a liitle expensive for a first guitar but I would recomend it for anyone picking up a guitar for the first time or even if not it is still a great guitar to own. Bryan rated this unit  on 2003-01-14.
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