Carvin DC200T Reviews  5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsFactory Direct Buit to order. Had Herd Good things about carvin and after playing a used one in a local Pawn Shop I had to order one. Paid around $870
Love the neck through design sustain forever! Really smooth neck Set up perfectly form the factory. Even Set up the Guitar With My gague and brand of strings. The Active electronics are great, A lot of variations avil. With coil splitters and phase switch
No real Complaints here except I wish they had the option to switch off the active electronics ( They do have that option now via a push/pull knob) Kinda sucks when the battery dies and you can get no sound at all
construction and quality of this guitar is great as always. ( I also have a DC727) NO problems at all
If you are looking for a versitle guitar check out Carvin so many options are avialble, your choice of woods ect. at you cannot bert the price for such an excelent Guitar Sreiners rated this unit  on 2001-12-20.
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