Crate VC3112 Reviews  4 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI paid $350 for this unit from the House of guitars in Rochester,New York. I was looking to switch to a tube amp for a warmer sound. I also needed low wattage so I could push the speaker without killing my band members.
I like the Crate Vc 3112 because it's relatively light to carry, you can push the speakers to get a very spongy sound. It reacts well with distorion units. It cuts ontop of the drums nicely and compliments the sound of my other guitar players Marshall. It also can produce sweet singing like feed back and sustain.
Dirty channel stops at blues rock level distortion. Reverb could use some improvement. No mid eq on clean channel.
This unit is a close backed 1x12, 30 watt, 4 power tube,4 preamp tube amp. It's got a blond skin with gold attachments. The tubes are only accessible by taking off the back panel but such is the case with close backed amps. It's built very sturdy and can take a pounding hauling it from gig to gig.
This amp is a very versatile amp that can be a main amp for gigging and rehearsing. It takes a little tweaking to get the right sounds out of it but once you get set up you'll like what you hear. I can't believe Crate made this amp but they did and did a good job. Bluesrover rated this unit  on 2001-12-13.
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