ESP LTD MH-200 Reviews  5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI paid 900 pounds over here which is the exchange from dollar to pound but in the U.s it's $699. It's a little hard to find since the model hsa been discontinued not for any bad reasons other than it was time to for E.s.p to release new models of guitars and basses.
It plays sounds and looks great what more do you want? And the contoured body looks very very beautiful.
There nothing wrong with this product.
The first thing you notice about this guitar is that it sounds really really good because of the seymour duncan pickups. The Duncans they use in this guitar is the same as the ones they put in the Stephen Carpenter. The body is very very well balanced because it's made of Swamp-ash the body is'nt too heavy or too light it's just right. The fret's are very fast and playable the fret's are made or Maple on the back and Dark Rosewood on the front.This guitar unlike the other H models come with the brilliant Floyd rose tremolo which means I can do dive bombs and Fluctuate harmonics without worrying about the tuning. It also sounds really nice tuned down and it holds tunings really well. The neck pickup sounds very warm and rounded and Jazzy while the middle pickup sounds punchier and cutting both sound good clean and distorted while the bridge pick sounds amazing distorted and clean the wiring is in a three way step which is great. The craftmanship is amazing and everyone know all E.s.p/L.t.d's are made like tanks. And because of the contoured body it stands out from all other guitars.
If you have the money and can find this guitar get this amazing guitar. Deftones better than you rated this unit  on 2001-12-22.
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