Epiphone G400 SG Reviews The bottom line is, this is great if you're on a budget and if you want a solid guitar that has a hard rock tone. My only suggestion is to upgrade you're pickups to the 57 classic and Angus Young signature like I did, and then you'll have a guitar that's still half the price of the Gibson Angus Young Signature SG, and sounds just like it. ... [read more on Audiofanzine] Jesse Marquez rated this unit![]() BUY THIS GUITAR IT OWNS YOU YOU MUST BUY IT. no if you want an extrememly good guitar and cant afford the gibson sg go for this because its the best ive ever played! [read more on Audiofanzine] Tommy Barclay-england rated this unit![]() this is truly a fine instrument. i have compared it to gibsons and in light of its quality it could be easy to mistake it for its more expensive brother, and its price is a bonus. in my eyes its a gibson that is at a bargain price, but again i would advise to change the pickups if they come as epiphones to gibsons or others of your preference. [read more on Audiofanzine] gg_ant rated this unit![]() More Epiphone Electric_Guitars |
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