Epiphone Les Paul Special ll Reviews  4 / 5 based on 1 reviewsi aquired this guitar due t the advice of the owner of joes guitars in walling ford ct.he said it was a great guitar to start with. and was he right or what. i got it in the package offered at the store. i trusted his advice over my instincts to get the usual "first time strat."i believe i paid about $250.00 for it.
what i likea bout this guitar is the traditional look to it. it just looks like the kind of guitar a rock star would play. the package i got in cluded an amp. strap, picks, videos, a book, and a cable. it was basically a plug and play deal. tha guitar itself is very easy to play. it has an elegant thin neck, and the two humbuckers give an unrivaled sound.the controls are easy to use. there are only two konobs to reduce confusion. and it just looks great.
one of the only things i dislike about this, is that you may not be able to go away from the gibson style. this may develope into a somewhat expensive taste in guitars. the other thing that caused me to want to upgrade is that it only has one of each knob. this reduces the effect of switching the toggle back and forth. those are the only things.
it has a bolt on neck.
two open double coil humbuckers
one volume and one tone knob
a three way toggle switch
a stop-bar tailpiece
a tune-o-matic bridge
and rosewood finger-board
this is the best starter guitar i can think of for a beginner. it is better than the usual strat starter pack. the package has everything you need to start out with, so you can just start playing. kevin rocheleau rated this unit  on 2003-12-04.
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