Epiphone The WildKat Ltd Semihollow Reviews I ordered the WildKat from Musician's Friend. I wanted to see it and play it before buying it, but no one in my town,
Colorado Springs, CO (or Denver) had one
to show. Musician's Friend has it in the
printed catalogue for $499, and the case was
$90. Just for your info, MF advertises free
shipping on orders over $299, but for some
reason that was never made clear, the case
did not qualify for the free shipping and the guitar did (even though they were part of the same order)...
My reasons for choosing this, even sight unseen is because 1)I liked the write up about it in the catalogue--it described
a semi-hollow with a smaller body and I
wanted something lighter and more comfy--
something I could wear for hours without
hurting 2) I have an 18 year old Epi
acoustic which sounds amazing (so I liked
the name) 3) I put in an order for the
Epi G-400 at the Guitar Center and they
told me it would arrive in 4 to 6 months!
I didn't want to wait that long.
4) Although I'm not a Beatles' fan, the
Beatles' Casino ( not the Elite model),
had a similar, if not the same P-90's
and I know they sounded pretty good. I don't have any regrets buying it. I was rather impressed with Epiphone/Gibson. Sometimes it's an incident that gives a company's CS a chance to shine--and they did. They were really on top of it. And when they sent me the replacement, I was pleasantly surprised--the second one didn't have the chocolate back (which was very pretty), but this one had a caramel back--even prettier! And it was well set up. What makes me feel even better about it is that I'd prefer to have a 'real' Gibson too, but Gibson doesn't really have one to compare this to--and this one is just unique! I'm set for semi hollows for now. I wouldn't buy it as my first or as a beginner, but if you're just staring to play with/ in front of others, it's a great axe and a great price point! And of course, record with it! Arabella Gordon Arabella Gordon rated this unit![]() |
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