Fender Higway 1 Jazz Bass Reviews 
5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsfrom a local shop,700 euros
in my life I had that chance to own several jazz basses,old and new ,but I have to say that this latest one,despite of its low price,is one of the best I ever had.is built like a master instrument (no set up necessary)t,the sound is round and awesome,just what do you expect from a real jazz bass.I also love the lacquer satin paint,very similar to the original vintage nitro lacquer,,makes the whole bass sound much better than the classic fender paint.
the white pickguard.I think I will put on a turquoise one.
as I said,awesome built.really all details are top,what do you expect from an american made Fender.It's amazing.
if you find one of this basses try it first and then you will buy it immediately,you will not need a review for that!
Fab rated this unit
