Fender New American Standard Precision S-1 Bass Reviews  5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsPaid 1000,- Euros in Bonn/Germany. Bought it because it still was cheaper than the normal AS-P-bass.
There's nothing not to like! Great look, (black with maple neck/fretboard) I replaced the white pickguard against a tortoise one. The new S-1 switch is not realy something you will need, but it's there in case.. Not to heavy and as told with a classy look you can't top! Lot's of"growl" and for a p-bass with a quite good "range" of sounds! It came with a Fender case.
I would like to add a good second pick up but on the other hand I like that typical look and sound!
Construction: well, it's a Fender P. .. :-)
Good quality but I had to fix one tuner after the first change of strings. If this is it..
A very good bass, comes through any band sound better than many active basses. Great for rock!! and retro 60-...! Played active axes only before but this bass got me into Fender-mania! For a cover band that I just joined in, I will buy a Fender Jazz for more sounds.. Ingo rated this unit  on 2004-01-05.
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