Fender Mexican Standard Stratocaster 2001 Reviews  5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI did alot of shopping to figure out what kind of guitar I wanted (I was just learning) I settled on a strat becouse it was super comfortable. I wanted an american, but the price was a little high. I wound up going to guitar center and paid 348.oo I picked out the color and I got one with a maple neck.
This is a nice guitar. It has a fabulous fit and finish and an excellent tone. I've had it for 9 months and I do not regret one day of playing this guitar. I think these mexis are good quality for the price. my next guitar will be an american, but believe me, this one I have now will still be on the front line. If you want a reasonable priced strat you can't go wrong.
the factory settings aren't the best so I had a friend of mine fine tune it.
Kerry M. rated this unit on 2001-12-17.
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