Fender Squire Strat Reviews I got this guitar now from my local music shop peter writes music as a set. i have been playing for just under a year and am looking to buy a new guitar. i would deffinitley recomend this guitar to ant new player. Excellent guitar for the price Perfect for beginners toby rated this unit![]() I bought a black and white squire strat at my local Musicans Pro Shop in the town i live in. I bought the Squire because i was told its a good beginners guitar. I payed around 170 for it. Its a great guitar for a beginner Noelle rated this unit![]() I bought this piece of S**T at guitar center because i needed a guitar for a good price. you would think coming from fender it would be a good guitar ummm no!!! Since i bought it i have had to put on a new neck new hardware and i have had two bummed switches...and i dont even play hard. im telling ALL of you even beginers DONT BUY IT. it has benn the worst investment i have ever had. i paied $135.00 for it and i regret it. Now im off to buy a fender american!!! Later and remember DONT BUY IT...PUNK ROCK If you want to buy it dont its a horrible guitar Tom Hester rated this unit![]() I bought this guitar 4 years ago in order to fulfil my desire to learn to play. The price was just over $300 for the guitar and a complete care package (soft case, book, small amp, and cable). This guitar is great if you are just learning or need a cheap guitar for a band. It sounds good for its price and with care can be kept in great condition. treboy01 rated this unit![]() |
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