Gibson Epiphone PR-100 NA Reviews 
4 / 5 based on 1 reviewsWell, actually i acquired this product from a friend of mine for $125.00.
This model has an astounding sound. No matter what you are playing, whether you are just picking away, or strumming, this guitar will blow you away with it's constant steadiness in sound. This unit also is very comfortable. It isn't too bulky, but then again it isn't too skinny either. It pretty much equalizes to make an excellent size for comfortable sitting or standing while playing.
The main thing that i didn't enjoy about this product is that it is easily dented. I was just walking down a hallway, and i gently hit a wall on accident. At first it didn't look like anything had happened...but then when i got home, there was a huge dent in it.
Other than the denting, this product seems to be constructed well. It's got a classic acoustic look to it, yet it really can adapt to any type of music. I'd give this guitar a 4/5 stars in quality, Mainly for it's terrific sound and non-bulkiness.
So should you go out and buy this item? Yes! I don't think it is too expensive, and it really is worth up to paying up to about $200.00 dollars for. If money isn't an item for you, then don't waste your time. But for those of you who are limited, this guitar is excellent. Just don't go hitting it on anything, unless you want a giant dent in your guitar.
Steviewonder rated this unit
