Gibson Delonge Hollow Body Reviews  5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsi got this guitar for $2250 from music123. i got it b/c i love Gibson and i currently own a LP and it KILLING my shoulder!
i love the simplicity: a single bridge pickup and 1 volume control....you dont need 500 contols. the paintjob is really cool too, matte(flat) brown w/ creme racng stripes. the Dirty Fingers pickup is great.
i dont like the "dot" inlays. it makes it look like a Special or Junior type. Normally the fancy inlays are accosiated w/ the higher in guitars. I dont like the maple headstock either.
its a Gibson.....what can i say?? just dont go bash it in the drum kit or anything and it should be fine.
if you have the money, like simple instruments, and play punk get it. if youre some stupid headbanger dont get it I HATE METALHEADS rated this unit  on 2004-08-01.
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