Gibson SG Standard Limited Edition Reviews  5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsGot this guitar in Singapore from a recognized music shop for around a 1100 US dollars (brand new with the hard case).
It definitely looks good. The finish is brilliant and the moment you play this guitar, you can feel the high quality. Overall, it's quite light, not half as heavy as the Les Paul. The action is very low. I also like the idea that the shape of the SG allows you to play left handed since the cut aways are equal on both sides.
I dont have any dislikes except for the fact that the metal pieces like the humbucker covers catch finger prints very quickly. But a good polish will take care of that.
The construction is very good. It feels and looks like the guitar is made from a single piece of wood, which will probably prevent the neck from bending too much (hence reducing the chances of cracks). Again, the quality is extremely high in every part of the guitar. I own a bc rich warlock and it is no where near the quality standards set in the SG. The guitar has a fixed bridge so the tuning doesn't go off that easily.
As I mentioned, the sound is very bright and it's good for blues and mellow contemporary music. It's not really meant for metal or hard rock (even if you have the right amp and distortion). Although, I think it would be alright for classic metal but that's as heavy as it goes, definitely not a Nu-metal guitar.
Yeah, I give this guitar 5/5 because it looks good, sounds good and feels good. And apart from all that, you have the pride of playing a Gibson guitar! E. Arnold rated this unit  on 2003-01-04.
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