Hondo Hondo II Professional Reviews bought this guitar at a pawn shop six years ago for $125, just wanting an electric to mess around on at home. (hadnt had an electric in almost 20 yrs) i played it for 20-30 minutes and knew i had a good one. Funny how things go. Two years later I was in a working band. i've never felt a need to replace my Hondo - it plays great and it has "that tone" Mine was the first Hondo I had ever encountered, but afterwards, i did some research. Turns out Hondo had some good years and some bad ones. The early 80s were really great years. This Hondo Paul copy sold for $340, within $100 of the Gibson it was copied from. it must have been about 15 years old when i got hold of it. someone took pretty good care of it along the way. After reading some of the reviews on this page, i had to speak up. if i've said it once, i've said it a hundred times. i love my Hondo!!! Firebeard rated this unit![]() More Hondo Electric_Guitars |
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