ISP Technologies Decimator ProRack G Reviews Like many guitarists I use effects pedals. quite appart from the many advantages of using equipment like this there is of course the important and persistant question of noise. In my search for the ultimate noise reduction unit for my rig I must have read a hundred reviews many of which expressed negative views of items I was researching at the time. Then I came across one single review of this unit, the ISP DECIMATOR ProRacKG. This chap raved about the quality and effectivness of the unit so I decided to visit ISP Technologies web site and read about it further. The decision was easy but no where in the UK could I find a retailer so I contacted ISP direct and pleaded. My enquiry was answered right away and from the inventor and owner of ISP himself!! Buck Waller is a man who knows how to run a company, his helpfulness seems to know no bounds. After he helped me deduce if the unit would work with the kind of FX loop on my Mesa dual rectifier (looking at schematics of the amp in order to assist me and describing a test I could perform to make sure... what other owner of a company would do that???) needless to say I purchased the unit direct from ISP. The sum paid was (including shipping) £225. Every guitarist who is concerned about noise from passing taxis, other studio equipment, foreign radio stations of simply from high gain settings or noisey pedals MUST HAVE ONE OF THESE. If you don't have the money either find it, slam it on ya credit card or go for their DECIMATOR PEDAL which is cheaper and from reviews I have read is truly excellent also. Finally I can't go without thanking Buck and his lovely wife Shelley for their unbridled help, kindness, patience and humour. Thank you ISP for excellent service and for making a truly excellent unit. Don't just trust me, go and see for yourself at: www.isptechnologies.com - they will blow you away! For anyone who cares my rig is: Ibanez JS1000 or one of two 1990's Jackson custom shop soloists or a limited edition Yamaha SG3000S into ISP Decimator ProRackG, Keeley compressor, Morley 'Bad Horsie' wah, Keeley modded Boss DS-1 ULTRA, Digitech Whammy then into a Mesa/Boogie 100W Dual Rectifier head through a Marshall JCM 900 Lead - 1960 4x12 cabinet. Rage rated this unit![]() More ISP Technologies Guitar_Effects |
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