Ibanez TCM50 Acoustic-Electric Reviews  5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI aquired this guitar from Mecca Music in Green Bay, Wisconsin for $289.00 plus tax...which I believe is the same as the Musician's Friend price...quite a deal for what I got. The price is right on.
I've had this guitar for about 8 months now and it still plays like the day I got it. One of the features I especially like is its body. This is a very narrow-bodied guitar, but the sound is surprisingly full. I've found it plays best with extra light Elixir strings, which are needed because of the guitars small fret board. However, since it is an acoustic-electric I've found it easy to play as high as the 16th and 17th frets...fantastic.
My only complaints come with the neck. It is quite "skinny," which enables it to warp very easily. I've found myself quite frustrated with having to readjust the truss rod so often. However, if you make sure to keep it cased and out of the bitter cold or heat (as you should with a guitar) there shouldn't be any major problems.
It wouldn't appear to be very durable because of its size, but this guitar is quite sturdy. I've turned quickly and bumped into things several times, and all this has ammounted to is an inconspicuous ding near the bottom of the body. Ibanez did a good job on this guitar.
The Bottom Line is: This is an excellent guitar for its price. It has quite good sound, plays almost like an electric (seriously, excellent action) and it has held up phenominally. Colton rated this unit  on 2004-03-10.
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