Ibanez JS 100 Reviews Honestly, I don't really recommend these guitars. There are much better ones out there, especially once you start looking on the used market. I know the regular S series is mahogany, but try to look for a Japanese S series, and you'll be much better off in terms of overall build quality and (most likely) tone. If you do plan on keeping this, ... [read more on Audiofanzine] Hatsubai rated this unit![]() At new these guitars come in at around $800 which is a great price for a guitar in general and an even better price for a signature guitar. The tone is great for rocking and shredding and will make a lot of people very happy. I am just not that keen on the body shape too much. I would recommend this guitar to any fan or somewhat of a fan. Th... [read more on Audiofanzine] iamqman rated this unit![]() I got it set up with 10's(By a professional luthier). The p/u's replaced with same model Dimarzio p/u's in the JS 1000. Custom colored, of course. Some saddles were shimmed because they "frapped out" on the upper neck region. Neck was adjusted too. Now it sounds and plays awesome!! [read more on Audiofanzine] Toshi Takahashi rated this unit![]() get get get get it iti it it it it it it it it ... or a steve vai JEM it all depends on the price [read more on Audiofanzine] satriami rated this unit![]() More Ibanez Electric_Guitars |
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