Jay Turser JTA-40CEQ Reviews I bought this guitar from Sanatoga Music on Ebay for $150 delivered in the summer of 2003. I wanted a good acoustic/electric for a reasonable price and had heard good things about this model. I had no idea it would be anything near what it has turned out to be. I own a number of high quality guitars and basses and this one is right up there with any of them. The sound both unplugged and plugged in is absolutely incredible. I'm still waiting for the cops to come and get me for stealing this thing. How Jay Turser and their dealers make any money is beyond me. Probably by paying the little Chinese kids $.35/hour to build these things, but they sure do nice work. You owe it to yourself to try a Turser. It's my second one and it surely won't be my last. TheHands rated this unit![]() More Jay Turser Acoustic_Guitars |
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