Kramer Vanguard 440 L.handed Reviews  4 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI got this guitar about a year and a half ago from musicyo.com, and it cost $249.00!
I like this guitar a lot(classic Randy Roads shape), its hard to find decent left-handed models about and even then, they usually cost an absolute fortune. The build quality is solid,the guitar has a nice thin neck with 24jumbo frets perfectly suited for soloing and the Quadrail dual humbuckers, (although no EMG's!) are great for belting out classic metal riffs.
1)I can't get a left handed case for it!!
2)The left handed versions do not have a trem!(typical left handed discrimination!!)Right handed versions have a locking trem and an E.V.H. dtuna (bastards!)
As I said, the build quality is good and although the guitar was mega cheap, it has many top features, gotoh machine heads et,flat radius rosewood neck etc.
Great bargain, great looking and plays better than many guitars at twice its price!Every left handed rocker who fancies something a bit different should consider one!
Have just ordered a IbanezRG570 L.H. but i'll always play this guitar too!! Dave B rated this unit  on 2003-05-30.
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