MXR Dyna Comp Reviews If you're looking for a solid compressor for the price, this is probably the one you want to get. There are better ones out there such as the famous Keeley Compressor, but that's very expensive, and it's not exactly necessary for everyone. While that happens to be my main compressor, this one is great in a pinch, and I find myself using it whe... [read more on Audiofanzine] Hatsubai rated this unit![]() Like I said, great value for the sound quality. Not it's not going to sound like a Keeley or a script logo. But those are a bit pricier and not everyone wants to drop $160 on a compressor. This is a great beginner comp or just for people who aren't crazy about them. I recommend. [read more on Audiofanzine] James... rated this unit![]() I like the Dyna Comp for more squashed compression, and it's really good for the money, but you can get a much better compressor for a bit more money. With less noise and more tweakability. I've tried other compressors and I think I am going the higher end route for compression. Though this is nice for the price, I can justify a few more bucks f... [read more on Audiofanzine] VishNuRoXoUt rated this unit![]() If you need a simple compressor for your live guitar rig, this is it. If you want a better hi-fi sounding one, look elsewhere. You will hear a little noise and that is the only reason I suggest it more for live use than in a studio setting. [read more on Audiofanzine] Billy rated this unit![]() I was hoping that the lack of extremely precise controls would make this pedal less frustrating to use, but the tones themselves were what ended up frustrating me the most. For the price, I guess this isn't too bad, but you can do better. If noise is a huge issue for you, this might be a good purchase, but you'd be better off in the long run goi... [read more on Audiofanzine] mooseherman rated this unit![]() I've had my MXR M102 Dyna Comp for about three or four years and I've found it to be a great compression pedal. While it certainly doesn't sound as good as some rackable compressors, as far as compression pedals go this is one of the best ones out there. The price is very reasonable and the only other compression pedal I've used that is comparab... [read more on Audiofanzine] moosers rated this unit![]() A must have for any analog pedal maniac. Don't leave home without it. [read more on Audiofanzine] Sam rated this unit![]() More MXR Guitar_Effects |
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