Master Nikolay Ignatenko Classical 6 String Guitar Reviews 
5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI 've bought the guitar in the city of Krasnodar, Russia, at the music house of Guitars'
Master Nikolay Ignatenko and paid 950$. I heard about thIs master before, because
my friends had already bought two guitars there.
It is a concert guitar, which is perfect without electrical amplification in small and
middle-sized concert halls. But the greatiest thing is that this guitar has exceptional
timbre and sound brihgtness - the depth of sounds allows you to extract large
spectrum of sound colors from the unit.
The guitar was not manufactured in a serial production; it went under the master's
hand, which had enclosed his large experience and search for the perfection of
sounding, One may say that the master has breathed life into it - so, it has soul.
For 2 years I had been searching for the guitar, suitable for me. I am always finding
quarrel in a sraw - so, I would have hardly bought this guitar, if I had found any lacks
in it. Believe me or not - no lacks. Sorry!
The consrtuction is made according to Rameres (guitar master). I do not know about
him at all, but probably you do. All I heard is that it' the world classical working
standard form. Top sounding board is made of North-Caucasian abies - perfect and
rare material used for classical guitars feature a soft and thick timbre. It is sonorous,
durable, but light material. People say that North-Caucasian abies is much better,
than cedarwood.
The body is made od Madagascar rosewood, the neck - of mahogany.It is very
Smooth oval of fingerboard gives freedom and comfort to the left hand. And again -
by my professional criteria, the timbre coloring of sounds is unique.
First: the guitar is perfect without electrical amplification in small and middle-sized
concert halls;
Second: it is hand-made - means unique;
Third: beautiful;
Fourth: fingerboard gives freedom and comfort to the left hand;
Fifth: timbre coloring of sounds is unique;
Sixth: if you see it you woul be jelous.
Composer, guitarist Lukashin Dmitry rated this unit
