OLP MM3 5 String Reviews  4 / 5 based on 2 reviewsmale,46,play in pub rock band(3 yrs)play guitar and bass,playing since i was 10.musical tastes range from quiet lounge jazz,classical,nonny nonny,to extreme death metal cacophony but mostly blues and prog rock.dislike pub rock,rap and african bongo chanting.
paid $450 new local shop.i wanted a 5 string and needed a backup bass(my yamaha rb blew a gasket one night)
powerful pickups,good playability and finish.cuts through well on heavier songs.
no one has mentioned how neck heavy this.i know its a bigger neck because of the 5 strings but i cannot play this thing for 3 1/2 hours without getting a backache.i finish looking like the leaning tower of pisa after a gig.i have to get a built up left shoe to safely have a beer.also a few buzzs on the neck.
machine heads are very flimsy.the neck has warped on me twice,thankfully easily fixed.finish is lovely(black)but it now has a large scar on the back when it fell over on my wedding day.no great loss.
its a great sounding and looking bass but i would rather lug around my bass amp 4 half the night than do a full gig with it.my yamaha gets to do 3/4 of the work albass rated this unit  on 2008-03-30. i got this from Musician's Friend and paid $249.99 for it, i play 4 string bass, and i wanted to try a 5, so i decided for this one...and i chose the best choice!
everything!! its got a rly fast neck, i was impressed with the passive humbucker output, and also, the quality of construction is superior! the action is perfect! all the controls work fine, and the finish is awesome! i have the natural finish/maple fretboard... o yeah... i also love the sound this thing produces... its almost like the real thing
hmm... nothing rly! its perfect!
construction is amazin on this bass... it does not play and feel like a $250 bass.. it feels and plays like a $400+ bass, OLP did a nice job on these basses
great bass for beginners, and semi-pro, i recommend it to anyone, im gonna keep this bass for a looong time! aright, hope this helped you, thanks Jordan B. rated this unit  on 2004-06-23.
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