Peavey Nitro Bass Head Reviews  5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI bought this in England in PMT for £369 (not sure of price in $)
It is extremely loud (450 watts in 2 ohms, 300 into 4), has excellent construction, is easy to use and has lots of useful features (e.g.post amplification effects loop, which can be completely cut out with an extra footswitch, good E.Q, pre and post amplification gain etc.). It is relatively easy to transport, at about 40 pounds (not exactly lightweight but carriable) and is good value for money.
Excellent construction, excellent quality.
Definately worth getting. I use this amp all the time in my band and I am always heard. Just buy it, it's one of the best bass amps on the market. Chris rated this unit  on 2002-12-05.
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