Peavey Fury 4 Reviews  3 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI bought it from a friend of my dads for $50! It was such a great deal! It's FAR from the best but I got my money's worth!
I love the playability of this bass. The solid maple neck is fast and easy. You can break out some speedy lines on this one. Which is surprising for the type of model.
The electronics are poor. The single middle passive P-style gives out decent tones, but far from what I like. The construction isn't the best either. The screws are crooked (famous with peavey's lower models)and the input jack loosend easily (even more famous).
As I said before the construction isn't the best. The neck is good though. The neck is the guitars high point. The tuners are great too, very solid.
In all, if your looking for a good beginner or practice bass, this is good. If you are like me, and like something a little more advanced it isn't that good. It is a good solid playable bass, but not the best.
Jake Shoenbrun rated this unit  on 2001-06-28.
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