Peavey Classic 30 Guitar Amplifier ReviewsI purchased this unit in Harrisonburg, Va. for 400$ For me the difference between the Peavey and the Fender Blues Jr.is substantial. I played them side by side using my 88 stock AS Tele. One can simply do more with the Peavey and the reverb on the Classic 30 is superior to my ears. The Junior is a nice little amp but it didn't have the presence and depth(though it is as loud as you've heard it is) of the Peavey. I wanted that little Fender to be better because Fender amps are all I've ever owned and I've never been a Peavey fan. But for me, the Peavey cut it good. I was especially impressed with the clarity of the overdrive and it sustains to my standards. If you got a Tele and you favor a fat tone for your Blues playing you might should give this a shot. There needs to be a baffle board that protects the tubes, and the boost button will go unused. Ultimately, tone is in your ear, but I like this Peavey as much as my other amp, a Vibrolux. I give it a 4.5 crossice pass rated this unit on 2003-05-15.More Peavey Guitar_Amplifiers |
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