Peavey Standard P.A. Mixer Amp Head-Series 260 Reviews 
5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsLikes Rock! And Country, Jazz, R&B, just good music. Been playing Guitar forever, it seems...currently in a band, yes.
Bought this 03/94 at a local Consignment Music Shop, for $300 or so, used. 4 Channel P.A. Head from Peavey.
4 channels; bass, treble, volume, reverb each channel. Master Volume, Master Bass, Treble, Reverb knobs. 2 1/4" jack each channel, a & b. A reverb out jack, and a monitor out jack. 1/4". Rated @ 130 watts 4 ohms; peak 400 watts. Have used this with a pair of Radio Shack Main P.A. Speakers; 100 watts-200 peak 15" speaker-5" horn in the cabinet. Simple staightforward amp that I've used for many applications. I've used it for P.A. purposes; a mic, bass guitar, keyboard, and a drum machine. Have actually used all 4 instruments, and it handled all 4 with ease, in several live situations, playing in someone's backyard, indoors, whatnot. Have used this one as a monitor amp with a bigger P.A.; no problem. Used this as a Bass Amp for my bass guitar for live playing; again, no problems. Have played Coffee Houses with a guitar, and a mic or 2. Peavey has always, and WILL always, make long lasting, durable products. Plenty of power, easy to operate, whatnot. No Complaints whatsoever.
Can't think of anything.
Built like a brickhouse, period. That's Peavey for you.
This is a late 1970's model. Still holds up 30 years later. WOW!!! Find one on E-bay, and then buy it!! Ya won't be disappointed.
Jiver rated this unit
