STaudio C-port DSP24 Reviews  2 / 5 based on 1 reviewsInternet purchase $400 new
2 balanced phantom powered balanced XLR inputs with 8 1/4 unbalanced, unpowered inputs. This unit does a very good job of multitrack recording. Good driver support and on line support.
When XLR inputs are used, you lose two of the 1/4" inputs. You can use spdif inputs and get essentially 10 channels recording simultaneously but 8 is more realistic.
BEWARE! Very poor design on the two XLR inputs on older models (they claim new shipments have fixed the issue). My unit purchased one January 2002 had no support screws into the XLR inputs. All the force was applied directly to the motherboard and solder joints. This also makes it difficult to get the mic plugs into the unit. Solder joints break (as you would expect). STaudio claims this is "defective" and not poor design. I took it apart and think their engineers clearly made a bad mistake. I fixed my own by putting the screws in and resoldering. If you buy this, ask ahead of time of the XLR inputs are secured with screws or equally strong method. If not, plan to have to ship it back under warranty or fix it yourself which voids the warranty.
I like how the unit works, I like the support on-line and driver updates for Win XP and they do warranty for one year. I feel it is very unfortunate they try to pass off the terrible design as "defective" but they claim they will make it right once yours breaks. Because of that design I have to take rating down a notch or two. If they have fixed it or you can take a chance, the unit works great otherwise. Steve T. rated this unit  on 2002-10-23.
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