Sadowsky Will Lee Metro 4 Reviews  5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI checked out the latest custom series bass by Sadowsky, the Will Lee signature Metro model.
If you don't know who Will Lee is definitely look him up! He's most likely played on a few records you own, but if not he's on your TV every night playing in David Letterman's house band or on tour with his Beatles Tribute band The Fab Faux.
Regardless he teamed up with NYC bass builder Roger Sadowsky to build one sweet bass.
I do not own this (there were guys guarding the door when I went to throw it under my coat!) but I was able to check this out at the Sam Ash Hartke Bass Lounge on 48th St. in NYC a few weeks back. The price tag is hefty. Right around $3000, but it is a ton of bass for the money.
The candy apple red finish with a maple fretboard just looked truly like a work of art. I plugged it and and wow, plenty of sounds you can get out of this high tech version of a Jazz Bass.
This was the first bass I've ever played with that had a built in Drop D tuner on the low E string.
The preamp is a cool Sadowsky pre which will give you the classic Jazz Bass sound with an added Mid Range Boost to help you cut a little better.
The neck feels like a classic Fender Jazz. It is just a hair slimmer at 1.45' at the nut instead of the normal Fender 1.5'
Nothing I didn't like about this bass except I didn't have $3,000 burning a hole in my pocket.
The body is made out of a light swamp ash. This will help give if the initial worn in resonance and give you a bass that weighs a little less.
The neck is a maple neck and it comes with either rosewood or maple fretboards.
The high tech preamp can also be bypassed if that isn't your bag.
The hardware is all top shelf Hipshot.
If you've got the change, OK alotta change, and you want an amazing sounding, looking and playing bass, check out Sadowsky's Will Lee model. Billy rated this unit  on 2011-05-24.
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