Schecter C-1 Stealth Reviews  5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI bought this guitar through Musicians Friend for $499.00. I already own a Schecter Omen 6 and am very pleased with it. I bought the Omen 6 sight unseen and was amazed at the value and playability. The Stealth was a step up for me and the Omen 6 will be my back up guitar.
Schecters are undoubtedly the best guitar deal out there right now. The stealth is a fine piece of craftsmanship. The set neck is flawless and the fret job is awesome. The stealth seems a little better balanced than the Omen, which has a tendency to drop at the headstock. I love the string-through design, which provides awesome sustain. The tuners are a high point of the guitar. They turn liquid smooth and the big knobs are a welcome departure from the little ones on my Strat. The Duncan pickups provide a good range of awesome tone. Overall, the black chrome hardware is eyepleasing and high quality.
The volume control doesn't seem to have much range, basically loud and soft.
The guitar is definitely of very solid construction. It is a heavier instrument than others in its class. The finish is silky smooth.
I am very pleased with Schecter guitars. They make an excellent product. I also play a Mexican Strat, and the Schecter blows it away for quality, and it was cheaper than the Strat. I compared this guitar to an Epiphone LP and am glad I made the choice for the Stealth. rated this unit  on 2003-02-03.
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