Sigma DR-1ST Reviews  4 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI acquired this guitar from a local music store for my birthday. I got it for about 320 with a good hardshell case included from the store.
I like this guitar's affordability and the sound quality of the solid top. It is also a very nice looking and nice sounding guitar for the price.
For the price I paid there's not really anything on this guitar that dissatisfied me.
I've had this guitar for about 4 yrs. now and it has been extremely durable. The laminate back and sides make the guitar very immune to temperature and humidity changes. I've brought it with me to the beach, to Mexico on mission trips, and pretty much everywhere else I've been. I play worship music with it once a week during the school year and have never had a problem.
This guitar has great quality, sound, and playability for the price. I got i professionally set up and and installed a Fishman piezo pickup and have been extremely pleased with it. It sounds much better than many guitars I have played that are cost several hundred more than this one did. Definitely a great buy. Jeremy rated this unit  on 2001-12-16.
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