Squier Standard Stratocaster Reviews I would highly recommend this guitar to any beginning or intermediate player, or even an advanced player as a 'beater'. Would also recommend it for people who want a good foundation for modifications. While it is always possible to get a lemon in this price range, these tend to be excellent guitars. Indonesian made guitars seem to be a well ke... [read more on Audiofanzine] thebird55 rated this unit![]() The bottom line is that if you are on a budget, with a set of pickups you can sound as good as you want. If you like the feel of a Squier then why not just upgrade what you feel comfortable playing. Someday I hope to own an American made Fender Strat, but until then, I'll rock out on my trusty Squier. My rating is a 5. Is it the best guit... [read more on Audiofanzine] Johnathan rated this unit![]() I'm very happy with my purchase. The last guitar that I bought before this was also a Squier. They're some of the best guitars on the market! [read more on Audiofanzine] Anonymous rated this unit![]() do NOT but this guitar, you will regret it for all eternity. Maybe stock up some extra $$$ and buy a Gibson Voodoo V or something awesome like that. [read more on Audiofanzine] Squier SUX rated this unit![]() Some good sounds are available on this guitar, but playing it is like pulling teeth. I might use it in a punk way, playing rough and going crazy, but that's about it. If you want a Strat, I'd say pay a little more money and get a Mexican-made Fender Strat. At least they hold their value better. [read more on Audiofanzine] Derek Mok rated this unit![]() This is a great guitar to begin with. I will probably continue to play it until it doesn't work any more. Great quality and everything, especially for the price. [read more on Audiofanzine] Timothy Orwell rated this unit![]() For the money you can't go wrong with this guitar. I hate when people try to cpmpare it to Gibson Les Pauls or other $2000 guitars, but this axe will hold its own against any similarly priced guitar. Overall, a kick ass choice for the beginner. [read more on Audiofanzine] Mickey Cobain rated this unit![]() for 199$ this is a guareenteed bang for your buck strat. comes with 3 pickups, 5 settings, adjustable volume knob, and 2 tune knobs. looks awsome especially the head stock!solid build, chrome tuners. for those that want a great quality strat but can't afford the 799$ fender model this is a perfect purchase. [read more on Audiofanzine] jimdohg rated this unit![]() If your are loking for a starter guitar and do not want to pay a lot of money this is agreat guitar for you. [read more on Audiofanzine] Daniel rated this unit![]() A very good deal for the money. Small problems at most, that can be fixed with a couple of hours time put into it in your garage. I would recommend it to anyone wanting a Strat but doesn't want to shell out for an American Standard Double Deluxe Super-Duper Eddie Bauer Edition with double-pearl inlay and...you get the point. Good basic starte... [read more on Audiofanzine] Metal Fish rated this unit![]() The Squier Standard Stratocaster is without any doubt the best peice of begginner equipment out there. andone who plays knows the great deal of craft and work that goes into the amking of this product, and how taht makes it a true musical equipment Gem. A must-have for all begginers! [read more on Audiofanzine] Nick Marzuola rated this unit![]() In summary, this is a good guitar if your just starting off. If you can afford it get a better one. [read more on Audiofanzine] Dumbo the Elephant a.k.a. the Cookie Monster rated this unit![]() More Squier Electric_Guitars |
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