Yamaha Attitude Limited - Billy Shehan Reviews 4

I would say i have no idea where to purchase one. i own one ! a bass player friend of mine has loan it to me, and i've had it ever since. he bought it maby 8 years ago on 1994.

It is great if you are a Billy Shehan edmiarer and love taping methods. very strong guitar. it has two cable eteries

it is Heavy, no slaping on this guitar - that is not the sound you'l be looking for.

4 string guitar 2 pickups, (one hole and one is a double pickup) Drop D mechanism for the E (upper) string. (you can control it and set it so when you'l push the switch, the E will turn to what ever you like) 2 cable enteries 5 last frets are lower sunken, that allow you to streach the string very easily. 21 frets -voliume -trebel -bass 2 modes selector

i love this guitar though dont use it quite often. quite massive. prefer other bass sounds. this is where you can gaze: http://www.yamaha.com/cgi-win/webcgi.exe/DsplyModel/?gEBS00004ATTLTDII

Peyote rated this unit 4 on 2002-10-20.

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