Yamaha ERB300 2 Reviews  5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI live in south australia and i bought this bass from Ceceres music on Woodville road,Woodville. I bought this bass as an upgrade from my old bass i was using. iI paid $450.00 for this bass.
i love the sound of this bass and i had previously used a friends bass(same model). i was in the music store for about 1 hour trying out about 10 different basses and this was my favourite out of all. I played another yamaha bass ($680) and an ibanez ($1000) plus many more and this was my favourite and best sounding bass they had. In my opinion this bass sounds almost identical to fleas bass from the red hot chili peppers. Another thing i like is how light it is.
the one thing that i dislike about this guitar is the fact it has plastic knobs instead of good chrome knobs.
just by holding this bass and playing it you can tell it is a high quality bass which was carefully constructed and built solid.
if you play bass and are looking for a great sounding, good looking bass and have been playing for a long time then you should take a look at this guitar. Ive been playing for almost 2 years and i think this guitar was aimed at semi-pro to pro bass players. chad rated this unit  on 2003-12-28.
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