Zildjian A Custom Crashes Reviews  5 / 5 based on 2 reviewsI'm a drummer. I'm originally from Brazil. I play in a band called Glint.
Two of the Zildjian A Custom Series crashes have been part of my kit since I move to the USA, the 16' and 18'. I still remember buying them for the first time, since I usually have to replace them every 2 or 3 years, around 7 years ago in a Christmas sale on Guitar Center. They have a bright attack and short decay because of its construction. They blend very well with the sound of my kit and with the music I play.
One thing I love about the 16' is that, besides being a great crash, the sound produced when I groove on it, it's fantastic. The 18' gives a quick, big and explosive crash sound response.
As almost any other crash cymbal, they tend to crack and then break after a couple of years, even sooner if you a heavy hitter, which a lot of rock drummer are. It's always a good advice to buy replacements guarantees, I did a couple of times what helped me save some money.
The A series have a brilliant finishing and are medium cymbals.
Working well with pretty much any style, owning the A Custom Series will satisfy the taste of almost any drummer. mtebaldi rated this unit  on 2010-05-12. I purchased these cymbals at BDC (18": £140, 19": £150) because I was upgrading my cymbal set-up.
Where to begin!?
Awesome Zildjian quality yet again, the initial crash is a warm yet cutting sound with moderate sustain and warm, shimmering undertones.
I like the way they are versatile, REALLY versatile, they mix well with my other A Customs and K cymbals. The bell too is really sharp.
Nothing really, just that yet again with all brilliant finish A Customs they show up fingerprints.
The construction is of high Zildjian standards as usual, the cymbal is thin but I can't see this cracking anytime soon as long as you play with good technique.
These crashes are above any other, whether you play jazz through to metal these crashes will fit any situation and mix well with other cymbals.
A great buy, and great investment!
Well done Zildjian! Dr. B. rated this unit  on 2004-10-02.
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